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Showing posts from May, 2020

Final Post

If I had to estimate the amount of time I spend looking at a screen I think most people older than me would be sick and maybe some of my fellows peers may think of it as too much but, I've grown up with technology as I have matured the technology that we use has become more refined; many people say that we need to live in the now and not spend so much time online but that isn't the case for me because without technology I wouldn't be the person I am today. Now I know that the internet has it's downsides especially the stories of cyberbullying , I know that it is a real problem the a lot of people suffer from but for my story the internet actually helped me. You see if I were to describe the type of relationship that I have with the internet I would have to say it's that friend that no matter what happens they will always be there for you; I say this because my younger school life kinda sucked I was always bouncing around from friend group to friend group because

Privacy, Online and Off

For this blog post I thought I would discuss my experience with companies handling my online information and what my thoughts about it are. Like many of my generation my entire life is online, and if that is good or bad is a whole different story but like so many I have an email, I have a twitter, I have an Instagram and I also give my information away to a ton of game development companies because I spend almost all of my free time either playing games or watching them. Thankfully for all my years I have yet to have a problem with my information being leaked or misused by another company which is pretty lucky because gaming companies have security breaches all the time. For instance when I was younger I used to play on Sony's console Playstation but during my third or so year in elementary school I switched to Microsoft's Xbox 360 because all of my friends had it, this was very fortunate for me because a couple years later in 2011 Sony was hacked and 77 million Playstat