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The Progressive Era

For this blog post we were tasked with write about our thoughts after we viewed this antiwar websites, and to be my honest I'm not really into war in general I have my views but I'm neither for nor against it; my thoughts on war are if we need it go to war than so be it but I also think that a lot of the wars that we have fought in the past have there positives and their negatives. Due to my indifferent stance I've never really kept up with the wars that are currently going on, I couldn't tell you anything that's going on, I even have relatives that are in the Navy about to be deployed so I support them but I don't even know where they're going nor what they are going to do overseas. Though since we were tasked with going onto these sites I have to say that I have never seen any of these websites, but I definitely knew that that these sites existed because you can actually find anything on the web nowadays. To be totally honest I have a really good idea of why these antiwar voices aren't on mainstream media and why they are so hard to find on the internet, its censorship. I don't remember when I heard this but during one of my earlier history classes I was told that during a time of war or on the topic of war the government has this right to almost censorship you. If you are just some normal citizen and you turn on the news the government doesn't want you too here all the negatives of war or at least they don't want you too hear the really strong oppositions to war, if this were to happen there would be so many more protests and people who oppose the government and their ideals on war.


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