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Showing posts from April, 2020

Whistle Blowers

Ever since the era of technology many of us in society have become skeptical and suspicious about our own government and about the things that they do behind the curtain. This is why a lot of people will tape up their webcams on their computer because they believe that the FBI is spying on them. Now normally someone that believed in this big brother type society would be since as a little crazy but thanks to some people known as Whistle Blowers, are they really that crazy? For this post I wanted to not focus on the information that these Whistle Blowers release but instead the ethical debate behind them. So for anyone who doesn't know what a Whistle Blower is they are, as stated by Wikipedia, someone who exposes secretive, illegal or unethical information within a private or public organization. One famous Whistle Blower that you might have heard of is Edward Snowden , since the point of this post is not to discuss the findings of these people I will just say that Snowden rel

My Online Presence

If I had to judge my online footprint right now I wouldn't say it was too big, in the sense that it doesn't reach many people, though I do post a lot on Twitter or Instagram which are my favorite social media sites. When I'm posting on these sites I'm usually posting random or funny thoughts on twitter as well as retweeting funny tweets from other more popular people; on Instagram I'm every couple of months posting a picture of me and my friends or I'm posting a song that I really like on my story. If someone were to judge me based on my social media presence they would think I am a bit of  a nerd who likes video games, comics, anime, art, etc... because since I don't myself post a lot I love to use these platforms to see what others post. I love seeing all of the different art that people post, I love seeing all of the tweets from the influencers that I follow, I like to see the news about new comics or movies coming out. I usually lend either my emai


On March 23rd, 2020 Half Life: Alyx released on steam for VR so as every review is praising this game for the innovative take on VR I  thought that for week 12s blog post, since we are discussing VR I thought that I would take about VR since it’s still pretty new and only getting better. In 2010 the first innovative VR headset was created and it was called the Oculus , since it was so new there weren't many games out for it and the games that were, weren’t too exciting. Then recently we have seen more VR headsets and games; with these new headsets and games more developers found ways to make VR not only easier for the player to use but also more complex in the stories and gameplay. I personally don’t have a VR headset though I have seen many people play VR games like the ever so popular Beat Saber. I think that VR became a really popular item when it first came out because many people love video games and this was just the newest way to experience them, it was fresh. I honestly

Week #11

I believe that the most important value of free expression was the fourth value: individual, self fulfillment. I think the idea of individual, self fulfillment is so important because without our individualism through free speech none of the other speech theories would happen. I think that our free speech forms who we are, if you want to be someone who rivals the status quo you are more than able to participate in protests. If you want to use your free speech to express yourself through a movie or a song you can do that. If you wanted to go on youtube and voice your opinions on how the government is corrupt to millions of people you can do that because you are able to express yourself through the use of free speech. I think that this is the most inspiring to me because as a young age you are told how unique you are and how you have to make your mark on this world and what better way to do so then to express yourself. You always see on the news how people’s actions are what makes their